Sureblend Emulsion Explosives
The EDL safety philosophy has driven it to avoid gassing for sensitisation of bulk emulsion product, which make the customer’s life easier and safer. EDL use non gassing technology to maintain Sureblend emulsion at the correct density consistently throughout each batch, ultimately it is only sensitive to a controlled initiation once in the blast-hole.
The problems of gassing are well known in the industry. When gassing, the blast supervisor does not know how high the explosives column will rise and with it the potential for fly-rock. He is also unable to plan effectively and must be conservative in his blast design, adding to drilling costs.
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Sureblend Emulsion Explosives
With Sureblend emulsions, shot-firers can bring the explosives up higher and lower the likelihood of over-size. They can also stem immediately and vacate the blast site earlier, thus reducing exposure time to potential dangerous situations.
Download Safety Sheet or call +44-1759-305568 for more information.